Friday, December 09, 2005

Perspective is everything

If you have a small child you may have noticed that they are often owl-like creatures with the way they turn their heads almost completely around just to get a better look. Apparently it doesn't occur to humans until much older, in the male case VERY much longer, that they can simply turn their head the other way and get a better look. For small children it is the same. My son will turn his head until it is promising to twist off at the base of his skull just to get a glimpse of Cooper, the dog, as he passes by in the kitchen. And if he that meer glimmer doesn't suffice, he will fall over backwards, arch his back and start turning his head like a top on the floor with his body rotating around it. Apparently it is giving him a neck exercise. Why he doesn't just switch sides is beyond me but that is the way he chooses to do it.
Also, I have noticed that Kells will wiggle his way into anything he sets his mind to. The other night we were playing on the couch and in one moment I am getting my face eaten off by his wonderful "kisses" and the next he's launched himself toward the other end and in less than 5 seconds all I am seeing is the bottom of his feet flying in the air. He has been practicing his nose dives apparently because he did this so gracefully that he landed just so as to tumble into a somersault and land just next to the bookshelf. Between the bookshelf and the barrier we have set up to deter him from the ever tempting leafs of great literature that obviously must taste exquisite if there are such extreme security measures. So there he stands with so much pride in his face that you can clearly see all eight of his teeth. And of course, then comes the laugh!! Such a musical sound that no one would be able to resist a smile after that melody.


Blogger Washington Crunchy Mama said...

That's funny, I can just imagine him twisting on the floor straining to see the dog. Too cute!

6:18 PM  

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