Wednesday, January 04, 2006

3 am Wake up Call

Who in their right mind wakes up at 3 am to just hang out and buzz around the house? No adult that I know, unless they work the graveyard shift and that is their normal sleep and awake routine. But if that is the case then they wouldn't be actually waking up at 3 am. The reason I ask is because Kells seems to have an internal clock that says he has to wake up around 3 am every morning. Sometimes it's 2:45, sometimes 3:00 or like yesterday morning it was 3:17 by my clock. 3:17 am!!!! That's right folks, the roosters are no where near to crowing and my eyes are no where near ready to open. Let alone my body falling out of bed and lumbering around the house in my nightgown while a child is looking at me and gluabablieksliekneoijklsaing to me. The real problem I have with this whole situation is he is just as chipper as can be while rubbing his eyes and yawning so you KNOW this child of mine doesn't really need to be awake at this hour. I think perhaps he likes seeing this monster of a face of mine at this ungodly hour when only ghouls can possibly be out. Whatever the reason, this lack of sleep is killing me. God I love being a MOM!!!


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