Favorite Chair
Kells is beginning to bother me. The place he loves best in the house is this uncomfortable green plastic lawn chair. (Yes it's in the house)
He loves climbing on the thing
And he loves to sit here and watch our room mate play vidoe games. This is worrying me some except he just lounges back in the thing and hangs out with the guys, which is pretty cute.
Sometimes he will watch the games though. Thank goodness it's only the racing games so far.
This is like his magical spot. Even when it betrays him. The other night he was standing up on it and the next thing I hear is a muffled Thwump!! I look over and his face is buried in the carpet, the chair toppled over backward. I sit and watch and wait for the wail but surprisingly he turns his head and starts looking about like he is trying to figure out why his chair broke. He gets up. Walks over to me. Looks at his chair and I go and set it upright and up in it again he goes. He loves the chair.
how adorable!!!!
He actually sits there? I mean, just sits??? He STAYS moderately still for some amount of time????
too funny! love the part about how he fell over in the chair... the little mental movie i made was hysterical!
What a little sweatheart he is!
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