Thursday, November 30, 2006

Shipped off

Luke and I are going on a mini-vacation. Kells was going to stay with his Grandma Betsey but due to the weather and her being frozen on the island, she was unable to come down to visit. Instead I called upon a dear friend of mine to watch over him while we are gone. I was a bit worried he would have a hard time with this because he has not seen my dear friend in about 9 months. Well, turns out I am very easily replaced. He is having so much fun that when I called last night Kim asked him if he wanted to talk to Mommy and he gave a very definitive NO! Well, how do you like that? You carry them, give them life, feed and care for them and that's how you get repaid. Well I NEVER!!
At any rate, he is having a ball and this little montage is what I got sent in my email. Can you guess what it is?
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And Kells new temporary Mommy gives him kisses justlike me.
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Blogger Angewl said...

He's acting like a little monkey! See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.

Thats so cute!

8:12 PM  
Blogger Washington Crunchy Mama said...

You're lucky to have a great replacement! I wish I could find one so wonderful.

Kells is such a handsome little boy, so full of life!

Have FUN!!!!!

8:39 PM  

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