Deirdre Caj is here
Kells is a new big brother. Well, he's about 3 weeks into it but he is the big brother none the less. And he's a great big brother. He is constantly trying to carry her across the room (with strict parental guidance) and he always wants to help feed her (for about 3 seconds until he realizes he actually has to hold the bottle) and he is sure to let everyone know that his little sister is Deirdre Caj. Yes, he adds the middle name, always.
When he was first introduced to her I was surprised at how unenthusiastic he was. Then I realized that of course he wasn't interested because his cousins CJ & Levi were there. His Grandpa John, Grandma Jackie, Nana, Fish, Aimee G, Jodie, Frankie & Owen were also in the room. So, he went outside and played and paid very little attention to the new baby in the room. His second meeting was also pretty anticlimatic. He walked in, asked where she was and that was it. He still does that. His first question is always "Where's Deirdre?" Once he knows, he carries on with whatever he was doing or going to be doing.