I realize it has been forever since I posted last and I should now rename my blog to Living through my son AND daughter but I'm not going to and I'm going to try to post more often.
How time really is crazy that Kells has started kindergarten and is turning 6 in less than 4 weeks. 6 already!?! Are you kidding me? Six whole years have passed since I was rubbing my belly and talking quietly to the little being inside of me. Pushing his butt down out of my lungs and reprimanding him for cutting off my air supply. Six years since all I had was my imagination in wondering what he would look like and 6 years since I had the complete meltdown and nervousness that only comes to expectant mothers. How can this be?!?
And on to Deirdre. She's already 16 months old!! Where did that whole year go? She's walking, "talking" all the time and has started going pee in the potty already. How did all of this happen? When did I grow up enough to have kids and who gave them permission to just grow like they do?
I tell Kells all the time that he just needs to stop growing and his response is "I just can't do that mom." But WHY!??!